
Pride Recap: Keith Holland Presents "The Discussion"

Written By: Brandon Johnson


June is a signal for warm weather, no classes, fresh strawberries and many pride celebrations. One of the most overlooked aspects about June however, is that it’s Men’s Health Month. As the nation deals with the impacts of COVID-19 and the resulting quarantine, many people all over are experiencing different impacts on their mental and physical health. Keith Holland, baker & mental health advocate, saw the influx of daily users on social media and realized how great of an opportunity it is to collaborate with other like minded individuals to discuss the importance of mental health in LGBT+ communities of color, in a fun yet informative way.

Keith Holland’s “The Discussion” touched base on just that. As the Black LGBTQ+ community faces the daily struggle of racism and homophobia, some of your favorite influencers aligned to have an uncensored conversation about being Black and Queer in America. Held on June 18th, We saw topics such as branding in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, cancel culture, LGBTQ allyship and quarantining be brought to light by a panel of informed black queer representatives. From seeking black brands, to even making sure allyship takes form at all times, I found the insight I received came from a place of logic, but also love. If you missed this discussion, don’t worry, we’ve highlighted some of our favorite topics and the panelist for your convenience below:

  • Keith Holland: Queer + Mental Health Advocate, owner of “The Tasting Experience” and celebrity baker

  • Kahh Spence: Celebrity hairstylist & beauty expert

  • Jordun Love: Runway and campaign model, and founder of LGBT+ focused charity, Love More

  • Edward Hajari: R&B singer/songwriter and widely acclaimed creative entrepreneur

  • Aaron Warrick: Co-founder and CEO of ElevateApp, LLC & STEM advocate

  • Brandon Johnson: Publicist and Media Strategist

Question (Keith): With everything being closed down and almost at a standstill, how have you been keeping sane during quarantine and has it brought anything of value to you?

Kahh: I’ve been building my first home, so that's been my main focus. It’s been tricky with the roller coaster of emotions, from everything going on. I have found more time to vlog, and that's been really great for me mentally! While I want to stay safe, I also value staying sane.

Aaron: Quarantine has given me a lot of time for reflection. From business moves to relationships with friends and family I’ve been in my head alot. I think finding outlets to use my time wisely, has helped a lot. Coming out of quarantine though, I find it will be tricky just because of things I've noticed and addressed about myself and those around me. Things/Actions like that are imperative to your mental health!

Jordun: It’s been a very transformative time for me. From learning to navigate zoom to home photo shoots, I feel like I’ve been pushed to learn more about myself. While there can be moments where I say maybe this part of me isn’t the best, it’s still very powerful. I can decide what aspects about myself will come out of quarantine with me.

Question (Keith): What does allyship look like to you, from your straight friends? I am very direct with being vocal about being there for me as I would for you, I know my friends see that. So it’s a topic I find very important, while realizing it’s not one everyone knows how to approach.

Edward: I think allyship to me, is to be informed. When you’re speaking to me and being mindful of the terms you use, I want it done when I’m not around. Having different conversations I find lets me be able to inform them on proper use/words. I think the biggest thing is people being consistent!

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